Hi Loves. This is Margo from Chicago, and today, I'm coming up to you with something that I want you to contemplate. I was a believer in Plan B. Oh, my goodness. I was such a firm believer in Plan B. I understood it was wholly connected to my past, my past self, and my previous identities and always searching for the safety net. Um, and that's a very masculine type of energetics. Um, and that's what was playing at the surface, and it was all due to my unworthiness issues, uh, when I was in my twenties.
Um, maybe even in our early thirties; we are always a work in progress. So, we are deepening and uncovering those layers of unworthiness to this day. We still do that. It's not like once you get there, you're done. No, there's another layer and another limit that you want to remove. So, even though I always believed in my power, I was scared to use it. So, I don't know how many of you would relate to that. But if you tap into you and really feel it. I mean, maybe there is a knowing in you that actually, you know, whispers to you that yeah, I mean, you are capable you, you can and whatever you put your uh thoughts and energy and efforts towards efforts, meaning the action is gonna really take off. So yes, you know, that was a huge discovery for me. So, I wanted to share that with you. Um, because who do you become with, uh, with your power? You can journal on this, you know, you can pose this question for yourself. Who do I become when I actually access my power, my personal power. So, Plan B is a safety net for a possible failure. But, um, I want you to understand something. It's like planning and coding your subconscious mind for failure. And once you understand that on a, you know, more profound level, I mean, it could be unlocking something very delicious for you. So you won't fully immerse yourself or even bet on yourself.
You don't even want to invest in yourself that much, right? If you have a safety net of Plan B. So don't do that. It's actually diminishing your power because, subconsciously, you are planning to fail. So the moment you remove your Plan B and put everything at stake into your dream, your personal power and magnetism towards your dream amplifies like times 10, 100, or 1000. You understand what I'm saying here. It's just like you have to have only plan A, and just imagine that plan B doesn't exist, and you put everything into your dream. So you wanna activate all the resources within you to go for it. And this is such a game-changer. I'm wishing you a fabulous day wherever you are in the world. And we do the songs.