'Worthy & Free. Expansion-Simplicity-In-Personal-Growth’ – S3.E5

Season #3

Discover the power of simplicity in overcoming complexities in life. Learn how embracing straightforward solutions can lead to profound insights and personal growth:

In this insightful podcast episode, Margo delves into the common human tendency to complicate life unnecessarily. She discusses how this habit often stems from a need to validate our fears, problems, and pains. The episode highlights a powerful realization from the host’s personal journey: the simplest answers often hold the most truth and require significant maturity and insight to appreciate and understand.

Margo shares experiences from her life and conversations with friends in mastermind groups, where they explore various life concepts deeply. They discovered that simplifying these concepts often led to higher clarity and a sense of peace and calm, suggesting that our brains and bodies intuitively understand and process these simpler truths.