Perfectionism kept me on pause. Law of Attraction's blocker ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’‹


Perfectionism kept me on pause!!! Law of Attraction's worst enemy. Why it is not always good trying to be perfect.

  • Only true perfectionists glorify perfection in the context of what I do or how I show up in the world and on social media.
  • Here’s the most honest truth I can share with you regarding the biggest mental shift in my life ….
  • The most grandiose re-frame that created freedom in my life was the realization that perfectionism kept me on pause, in overwhelm, unfulfilled and in the state of frequent worry and anxiety.

This is how most women relate to me, especially the ones who read my book Worthy and know the underpin of my entire mission and purpose for being online and coaching other women back to their personal power.

Detach Yourself from Perfection

Perfectionism is directly connected to the feeling that we’re not enough as we are therefore continuously trying to prove our worth and value to others around us. It is a major obstacle.

This is what I re-code with majority of women I work with in my four-week program Worthy.

  • You start appreciating your value, your uniqueness and your sense of worthiness is reprogrammed back to remembering WHO YOU ARE at your very core …
  • A powerful creator of your life, a divine force that’s capable of designing the life of her unique heart’s dream.

Stay fabulous -

(Margo) ๐Ÿ’‹

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