Embrace Your Worth: You Are Always Enough, Even on Your Worst Days

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2024

You Are Always Enough, Even on Your Worst Days:

You are always enough!

Even on your bad days when you feel like nothing works …

Even when you are sick and you just can’t do much or interact with anyone …

Your enough-ness is connected to your sense of worthiness. It’s that sweet feeling of safety within without pushing and hustling.

It’s subtle, it doesn’t scream. It’s a knowing deep inside you, sometimes it’s a gentle whisper.
You’re the cocreator of your reality, do you remember that in your hard moments and joyful ones?
Your sense of worthiness is your foundation for building the life you want, for fulfilling desires of your heart.

If you are enough and worthy just because you are existing and your heart is beating, then why we tend to overcomplicate this part so much … ?? No worries, it’s a rhetorical question, but you can reflect on the depth of it.

I went first and created the whole recoding sequence about this and then wrote a book by the same title … Worthy.

Your presence is e v e r y t h i n g. Not as much your ‘doing’ as your being …
I understand this more and more in this chapter of my life. Prioritize being and the sacred relationship with yourself.

As always ~

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋


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