The Power of Play: How Embracing Fun Can Transform Your Life

mindset podcasts May 07, 2024

How Embracing Fun Can Transform Your Life:

In this enlightening podcast episode “Worthy & Free. This Affects Everything in Your Life Queen”, Malgosia Stanislawski emphasizes the profound impact of incorporating play into our lives. Reflecting on her own experiences. Margo reveals how daily play and fun not only boost her mood but also amplify her creativity and joy, affecting every aspect of her life. She advocates for a light-hearted approach to life, urging listeners to give themselves permission to embrace their inner joy and childlike wonder regularly.

Margo connects this practice to a higher spiritual and emotional state, where one can access 'sacred space vibrations' and explore new realms of imagination and creation. She stresses the importance of gratitude, which she notes has the power to significantly alter life's trajectory towards more abundance and fulfillment.

Additionally, Margo invites listeners to explore her personal development resources available on her website, including masterclasses, books, and personalized coaching sessions. You can also DM her on Facebook. She aims to help women recognize their worth, maintain fabulousness on their journey, and inject more joy into their lives through play and self-acceptance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embrace Play: Regularly include fun and playful activities in your routine to unlock creativity and joy.
  • Spiritual Growth: Utilize play to access higher states of emotional and spiritual well-being.
  • Live Gratefully: Daily gratitude can transform your life’s path towards greater fulfillment.
  • Explore Resources: Check out Malgosia Stanislawski's Facebook for personal development tools including masterclasses and coaching.

Remember, allowing yourself to play is not just fun—it's essential for a vibrant and joyful life. Join Margo and learn how to embrace your inner goddess through the power of play!


As always ~

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋

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