It's much easier to Criticize than to Praise ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’‹

stop resistance worthy Oct 03, 2023

When we are seen and appreciated, it makes us so fabulously happy, right?

  • It builds us and boosts courage to spread the wings and reach for our dreams.
  • It doesn’t cost a thing to be kind. It should be normal but it’s not common.

It’s not easy because we’re programmed to see negativity and in our yet undiscovered sense of unworthiness, our lens is focused on noticing same things in others.

But …

If there is a contrast in what you see while looking honestly at the situation despite the jealousy and judgment, is there something that inspires you?

Then take it as an invitation to expand and realize that if it’s possible for her, it’s possible for you. The only difference is the clarity on your dream and another itsy bitsy piece ….

You guessed what it is?

Freaking UNWAVERING self belief!!

Easier said than done?

Absolutely but how powerfully rewarding!

That’s what I do with my private clients, my program Worthy and all my writing - I teach you and guide you on how to re-code your thinking, therefore changing your energy that results in entering different realms. Realms where worthiness and the lifestyle you desire is within close reach. You can feel it, touch it and taste it. Then comes immersion and full embodiment and you feel like WHOA, where did I live before, how is it that I couldn’t feel this juiciness and zest?

4 weeks of daily re-coding. Lifetime access on a secure site. Next best thing to private coaching. 

Have a fantastic day feeling worthy and loving yourself just a little bit more!!

Stay fabulous x

Love. Malgosia (Margo) ๐Ÿ’‹

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