Embracing Life

Embracing Life: Celebrating My Birthday with Joy, Wisdom, and Unapologetic Authenticity

On August 29th I was celebrating my birthday!!! Happy fabulous birthday to me!

And here’s a message that’s on my heart today …

I don’t understand people, women in particular, who don’t want to celebrate their birthdays. For God sake it’s a celebration of your life, my life, our lives!!! What’s the alternative? I’m happy to celebrate my existence.

But I see that the shame factor is still quite disturbing, we get to a certain age and are expected (society expects this of us) to wilt instead of staying vibrant, joyful and TURNED ON BY LIFE itself!! Or we fall into a ‘not good enough’ trap and go for a total make over that creates a plasticky look that doesn’t even resemble our old face … And why and for whom do we change it? I don’t mind it at all if it makes you truly happy but often it doesn’t. The inner world stays the same - dissatisfied and longing for that something that’s so hard to describe. It’s the chi, the energy of life that ignites the inner flame and sparkle in the eyes.

What’s the true desire here then? (you can ask yourself that)

By all means I want to feel youthful but I don’t want to pretend to be someone different than who I am. I love the ME that I brought to life with my dreams. Wisdom of the sage and a spirit and curiosity of a little child - that’s my killer combo!!

I’m excited to turn 48.

This past year has been fascinating. I’ve traveled like never before. Me and my partner of 3 decades acquired things like never before. The personal freedom I felt this year around the Sun has been like never before.

It’s been an upgrade all the way …

It’s been d e l i c i o u s to say the least!

The clarity on the type of women I want to surround myself with building new friendships globally is the best part in all of it.

Who do I want to attract to my sphere?

Best of the best!!

Why would I waste my time on people who want to degrade me and play mental games with me? Done and done, lessons learned. I’m not here to prove my value to anyone. You either value me or you don’t. I’m not available for this part and involuntarily learned to sense it from a distance. I send love to people but I don’t offer my time for this energy leak. Life is too precious to me. I only have time for true sisterhood and I learned to trust my intuition in this.

I’m certain that vulnerability is a strength and not an open invitation for cheap ego games.

I LOVE life.

I love to love, to give, to share and to receive. And to grow each single day letting more self love in … and self compassion and kindness.

And a word on boundaries …

Boundaries are here for people to teach them how to love you as I learned from one of my amazing mastermind sisters, Kimberley. I’ve never heard this perspective on boundaries, but it’s the best one that resonates directly with my soul.

As I reflect on places I fell in love with this past year and want to go back to again, I’m picking Mykonos, Santorini and Capri. Oh my gosh, the whole vibe!! Free spirited, luxurious, sexy …

And my lovely Barcelona which I already visited twice this year, what a treat!!! Rome for the best pizza and gelato, also twice. Milan, Amsterdam, Budapest. These are the places I’ll revisit again and again. Zurich felt so rich, clean and beautiful too.

But of course I don’t share each single moment of my life on socials. Some people think that’s all there is and they couldn’t be more wrong. It’s a sliver of my life. It’s selected all for pinpointing themes in my business, my personal mission, highlighting my signature skill - strengthening one’s perception of their value and capabilities all laced with the motto ,“if I could, then you can too.” Recoding those stubborn thoughts that shadow the truth and distort your image of who you are at your core. Activating freedom factor in you.

Everything I do in my life and business is underpinned by cultivating personal FREEDOM.

My perspective is of high value, I see clearly what clouds the vision of whoever is under my radar. It’s a gift and I learned to own it. Thank you Tina for showing me this Queen and Angel through your beautiful art.

My book Worthy is a testament to how I’ve shifted my life. My mentorship spaces are next level for those who are ready for an upgrade in each category of life. Why? Because I really care. If I take you under my wing I’m fully committed and I only teach and energetically share with you what I know from hands on life experiences.

And today, I’m celebrating my year, MY LIFE, with the best dinner in town and the closest people to my heart raising the toast to my life here in Poland and in the US!!

If you read this far, well, please know that this is the longest post I’ve probably ever written for fb, so thanks for being curious what I’ve got to say on my special day!!! Sending you so much love

Stay fabulous while on your journey!!!

*always written with love and a pinch of my sassy self x


Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋




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