Rediscovering Łódź: My Emotional Journey & Growth as a Global Citizen

Explore how Łódź, Poland, shaped my journey from childhood nostalgia to becoming a life coach. Discover my emotional, travel-infused path to personal growth.

Last night before falling asleep I opened my journal and started writing. To be completely frank with you, I always go through a mix of emotions when I come to Łódź, my beloved hometown in Poland. My family is here, and I spent my childhood in this place, that’s why it’s so close to my heart. It’s sentimentality, nostalgia. There’s an air of melancholy here that I’ve never experienced anywhere else.

On my flight from Chicago there was a group of American filmmakers that were visiting my hometown just for 2 days to make a documentary. Łódź is located in central Poland and is recognized for its internationally known Film School, art Nouveau architecture, and as a former center of textile industry. Lots of artists live here. Its face has changed so much through the years.

But back to the merit of this story …

This is the city of my childhood and adolescence years. It’s the place of many traumatic events for me and it’s bizarre how stepping into this town instantly influences my emotions and awakens my inner child. It feels like the code is pressed and I am more connected to the collective pain … and this makes me rawer in my expression.

The memories are more present here, it feels like the activation portal for processing my wounds and heavy things from my past.

I notice I feel more vulnerable here, a bit misunderstood, judged, constantly compared to. It’s much softer though than it used to be.

I’ve done my share of inner work; this is not new to my world, and I don’t want to erase my negative experiences from my consciousness. Why would I? That would be discrediting my own story, and the truth is, that all I endured as a child has been a big part of building my current identity. I wouldn’t be where I am now, if it wasn’t for the most painful things I’ve experienced as a child. Let’s say, the theme of my life would be different.

My wisdom and the contrast I’ve extracted from living here, or in Barcelona, Chicago, San Diego allowed me to have much wider and deeper lens on life and what happiness, abundance and financial independence and freedom mean.

I’m a better life coach and mentor because of my travels and living in different places, experiencing differences in mentality, culture, overall approach to life, education, money…

These travels are sacred and enrich my life so much. I’m deeply grateful for this lifestyle I chose and the loving partner that dances with me through this beautiful life staying with me on the same ‘life adventure’ page.

I’m planting seeds of desire to welcome more international women into my coaching bubble. I do feel like a global citizen. The love for travel does that to your heart. It’s the journey of expansion and the places I fell in love with are my activation portals and each holds a piece of my heart forever. Where the heart is, my home exists.

I am a global citizen and I love this about my story.

As always ~

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋


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