Sometimes it's Silly ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’‹

mindset Oct 17, 2023

Unshakable confidence and unwavering trust in yourself is what makes you famous.

The question is -

Do you actually want to be famous?

Because it’s not everyone’s dream.

Hand on my heart, I’m one of those people who have this inner conflict. I’m a healer. I’m not after fame but at the same time I realize that fame can create powerful influence, tremendous impact and domino effect of transformation and goodness in the world.

It might seem silly to some, but as I’m here on the verge of deciding which way to go - loud or quiet with my message and my book - I see both worlds I’m considering creating. One will keep me still pretty anonymous and, in my bubble, meanwhile the other will require of me big expansion and rearrangement of some of my beliefs regarding fame.

Conquer Obstacles

Which way I choose?

  • Each time I step up my own game and conquer obstacles, the world around me shifts.
  • I can’t even count how many times I already stood at this intersection.

The first time was definitely the moment I gathered the courage to be a runway model after my beloved grandmother told me I should.

  • Then the next one was traveling to the States following my heart.
  • And later on, countless times, I challenged my then status quo.

Your status quo is a phase, it’s not here to hold you back. You integrate what you know and move on because that’s the progress of life.

I tell my clients all the time - lose perfection and go for progress. Understanding this created one of the biggest core shifts in my life.

We’re free to choose.

We make decisions all the time.

We vote for our future with each investment we make.

So which way do you decide to go?

Stay fabulous x

Love. Malgosia (Margo) ๐Ÿ’‹

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