Unlock Your Authentic Self: Embrace Your True Worth and Break Free from 'Nice Girl' Conditioning

Unlock Your Authentic Self: Embrace Your True Worth and Break Free from 'Nice Girl' Conditioning

It’s in our ‘nice girl’ coding that we want to fit in and be liked by everyone. It gives us a false sense of worthiness and societal acceptance. That’s the subconscious program we’re running in our brains.

But when you are your authentic self, with your hopes, desires and dreams, when you allow yourself to be unapologetically YOU, the layers of pretense dissolve and it’s impossible to be plain and neutral any longer … it’s like being grey but knowing there’s a whole range of rainbow colors you could choose instead.

But you keep choosing grey … why? It feels much safer.

It’s not easy to break that pattern of not accepting yourself. It feels uncomfortable to try on new identity. Choosing the freedom to be your true self, your authentic expression, will for sure trigger some but simultaneously it will epically inspire others.

What a burden and heartache it is to be just a nice girl… blending in with other nice girls.

The code we need to rearrange is in the paused love for your human self and for the worthy woman that you are.

And just one more thing …

There’s nothing wrong with you, you just forgot the source of your power and self belief for a moment.

You’re so freaking worthy!

I can help you to remember.


As always ~

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋



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