How Simple Desires Can Transform Your Life

law of attraction Aug 27, 2024

Unlocking the Magic of the Law of Attraction: How Simple Desires Can Transform Your Life.

Yesterday I told my mom, “it would be great if they played Bridget Jones on tv, it’s time to re-watch it.” And, but of course, it’s on now!! Not even 24 hours after the initial desire was launched.

The easiest way of attracting what you want with literally Z E R O resistance is choosing something so epically simple, but pleasurable.



I bet you have proof after proof of little things happening in your life that look like little coincidences or synchronicities and sometimes you completely disregard them instead of highlighting THE MAGIC. This is your evidence and an invitation to strengthen the belief in co-creation from this point on.

The funny thing is that the law of attraction works the same way with everything in life, but it needs to feel light and in the spirit of “this or something even better!”

Unfortunately resistance and not believing in yourself, your value, your capabilities keep your bigger manifestations at bay.

Experimenting with the simplest ‘orders’ is a great way to understand the power of your thoughts and energies being in a perfect match without any mental blocks or mixed energies in your field.

When the path is clear, there’s no other possibility but pulling it, aka your DESIRE, in.

My entire body of mentorship work is in removing the mental blocks to living the sweet life you really want. It’s only so simple on the paper. If it really was, then everyone would be healthy, wealthy and in love!!

We can belittle everything, but it’s not smart to belittle the power of the law of attraction.

As always, stay fabulous while on your journey! Great things are coming to my sphere in celebration of my birthday week. Stay tuned and reach out if you want to reserve a spot in private coaching or mentorship containers.


Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋


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