Validation 💕💋

manifestation worthy Nov 15, 2023

It’s so hard believing in yourself and your mission when you don’t see as much ‘validation’ as you’d like.

As a society, we’re addicted to validation. On one hand I totally get this need for validation, it’s some sort of a proof that our human ego needs… But when you really feel like you need that proof are you unworthy without it?

  • I know my worth, my value and what I bring to the table, therefore as much as I like it and it absolutely thrills me to be loved and liked for my pictures, I don’t need it.
  • I DESIRE something deeper - recognition and acknowledgment once I’m seen.
  • I’m the one, as you are the one for yourself, and I remember that and I roll.

See that little nuance between these 2 states of being?

  • One is desperate and unsure and ...
  • ... the other one is welcoming and simultaneously stands in her power. It's one of the universal laws that I teach.

And as always -

Stay fabulous!

Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋

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