Align with Your Desires

Align with Your Desires: How Self-Worth and Energy Investment Propel You Towards Your Dreams

Your time cannot be wasted if you’re in alignment with what you want from life. It’s all time and energy investment in your dream, feeling good and becoming the next version of HER that will shift your perspective and bring the dream closer.

Your energetic match with your desires is what eventually creates a leap. And as with everything I teach, this circles back to feeling worthy and accepting yourself as you are now. You can’t procrastinate on that. Accepting yourself doesn’t mean you’re not continuously upgrading your growth and deepening what you already know if that’s your intention. Your sense of worthiness, love and compassion for this current version of you is the prerequisite to all of it … AND with the cherry on the top.


As always ~

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo)...

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Reclaim Your Confidence and Worthiness with 22 Empowering Sessions

Reclaim Your Confidence and Worthiness with 22 Empowering Sessions


the star in your show of life.

The role of best supporting actress might be something you got used to, you normalized it and it stayed …

But it’s high time to step into the light and claim your heart’s dreams, the lifestyle you’ve been envisioning for yourself.

All of this connects to your sense of worthiness, self-belief and confidence.

It seems so easy at first glance or at the level of just logically reading this, but I created 22 sessions in Worthy to help you recode yourself into that state of belief in your essence, your power, your capabilities.

This process of un-doing, reprogramming you back to remembering who you are at your core requires devotion - time, focus, energy.

It’s fascinating how this underpins everything that’s connected to our personal freedom and creating this version of delicious life full of pleasure and wonder.

As always ~

Stay fabulous...

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