Empowering Transformation: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs for Women's Self-Confidence and Growth.

How to Beat the Beliefs That Hold You Back: A Guide for Women of all ages.

When we're on the path to feeling good about ourselves and finding who we really are, one big thing that can get in the way forĀ womans is these sneaky thoughts called limiting beliefs.

It's like there's invisible walls all around us, stopping us from being our best selves and living the life we dream of. These thoughts make us doubt ourselves and keep us from having all the fun and happiness we should have.


Limiting beliefs are those stubborn ideas we have about ourselves, other people, and the world.

They start sticking to us when we're little, thanks to what society says, our families, and stuff that's happened to us. They mess with our heads, make us second-guess our choices, and control how much we believe in ourselves.

But the awesome news? We can totally get past these beliefs and show the world what we're made of.

First up on this adventure, we must spot those beliefs that are dragging us down.

Take some time to really think about what goes on in your mind. Look for patterns or any mean things you tell yourself. You might find thoughts like "I'm not smart enough," "I don't deserve to be happy," or "I can't make my dreams come true." Realizing these beliefs are there is super important if you want to prove them wrong.


Next step is to put these beliefs under a spotlight.Ā 

Ask yourself, "Is this really true, or is it just my brain being mean?" This part is like being a detective in your own mind, figuring out what's real and what's not. A lot of times, these beliefs are just scary stories we tell ourselves.

Start telling yourself nicer things and remember the cool stuff you've done before as proof that you're more amazing than you think.

Having friends or a group who gets what you're going through is super helpful too. Find other girls who are all about growing and getting stronger inside. You can share the hard stuff and the wins and help each other kick those limiting beliefs to the curb. Talking to someone like a life coach can also give you a big boost.


Don't forget to be kind to yourself and give yourself some love.Ā 

This stuff isn't easy and it takes a while. Cheer for the little victories and treat yourself well. Doing things that make you feel calm and happy, like meditating, writing down your thoughts, or getting lost in a hobby, is like giving your heart a hug.


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So, remember, you can totally get over these limiting beliefs and shine bright.



By facing them head-on, hanging with supportive people, and loving yourself through the process, you'll grow into an even more confident and happy you. It's all about taking that journey, step by step, and watching yourself bloom.


What have we discovered and discussed in this article?


  • Limiting Beliefs Hold Us Back: They're like invisible walls that keep girls from being their best.

  • What Are Limiting Beliefs? They're those tough thoughts that come from society, family, and our past, messing with our confidence.

  • You Can Beat Them: Yes, it's possible to move past these beliefs and become awesome.

  • Finding and Facing Them: Start by really looking at your thoughts to spot the limiting ones.

  • Question Those Beliefs: Ask if they're really true and replace the negative with positive.

  • Friends and Coaches Help: A supportive crew or a coach can make all the difference.

  • Love Yourself Through It: Be patient and kind to yourself, celebrating every small win.

  • Your Power Unleashed: By tackling those limiting thoughts and beliefs, you're on your way to more self-love, confidence, and growth.

I manifest that You become the Best Version of Yourself !!!

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About the coach

Hi and welcome!

I am Malgosia, also known as MARGO. Iā€™m an international life coach, mentor, and bestselling author of ā€˜Worthy.ā€™ I share my life between the US and Europe, especially Poland, where I grew up. The underpinning of everything that I do in my business is freedom. Freedom drives each choice, and women drawn to my world usually recognize that quality about themselves. Iā€™m for having it all with the cherry on top!

My mission on this planet is to help as many women as possible step into their power and start creating the lifestyle of their dreams.

I address all aspects of living from DESIRE- your wellness, body, love life, relationships, business, and wealth creation. The foundation for all this starts with coding you back to WORTHY, accepting yourself fully, and ultimately loving yourself as you are because only then can you EXPAND and step into becoming HER.

I have vast experience in the beauty industry, both on the front stage and back, and Iā€™m a certified health coach and esthetician. Iā€™m also a Master Coach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. But foremost, Iā€™m a woman who constantly evolves! I go way beyond strategies and methodology. I lead with intuition and weave in energetics in all I offer in my business, so the results become embodiment.Ā  ā€¦Once you embody the new version of You it becomes effortless. Itā€™s like putting new codes in, and your world starts shifting.

Weā€™re all on a journey.

Iā€™d love to be a part of yours.

Stay fabulous!!



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