Embracing Life

Embracing Life: Celebrating My Birthday with Joy, Wisdom, and Unapologetic Authenticity

On August 29th I was celebrating my birthday!!! Happy fabulous birthday to me!

And here’s a message that’s on my heart today …

I don’t understand people, women in particular, who don’t want to celebrate their birthdays. For God sake it’s a celebration of your life, my life, our lives!!! What’s the alternative? I’m happy to celebrate my existence.

But I see that the shame factor is still quite disturbing, we get to a certain age and are expected (society expects this of us) to wilt instead of staying vibrant, joyful and TURNED ON BY LIFE itself!! Or we fall into a ‘not good enough’ trap and go for a total make over that creates a plasticky look that doesn’t even resemble our old face … And why and for whom do we change it? I don’t mind it at all if it makes you truly happy but often it doesn’t. The inner world...

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