Self Acceptance

manifestation worthy Jul 06, 2023

Self acceptance is accepting and loving yourself in your entirety. Not just your spiritual and emotional body but also your physical expression. Self acceptance is a prerequisite to your - best life manifestation journey.

It’s very liberating, so deliciously empowering…

Once you get there, into that sweet state of accepting yourself, you become untamed and this might sound quite dangerous to some because it’s challenging to control a woman who expresses herself shamelessly. Yes, that’s right, shame is one of the greatest tools society uses to control us.

When you feel worthy and fully accept yourself, you become free, baby!!

And …

  • It’s hard to control a wild woman who knows what she wants, knows pleasure and lives by pleasure. And on the top of this, when she fully recognizes her worth, then -

my goodness … World, watch out!

  • She’s like an irresistible elixir of eternal youth and a pot of bottomless inspiration.

She becomes a...

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Lowered frequency... 💕💋

manifestation mindset Jun 04, 2023

Don’t be tempted to lower your frequency in order to fit in. If people desire to stay in your circle, let them calibrate to your magic.

  • Your authenticity and presence are everything!! They affect your surroundings continuously creating a ripple effect.
  • Your foundation to having it all is your sense of worthiness and acceptance of self.

Try to Manifest it daily!

Only then you get to experience the sweet reward - that feeling of effortless creation and beautiful flow of life, the sexy dance between tangible and intangible. It’s all part of your inner alignment to your big vision, to your heart’s dream.

You’re innately worthy so just stay fabulous!

Have a beautiful Sunday,

Love. Malgosia (Margo)

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You are FREE - feeling grateful 💕💋

mindset worthy May 01, 2023

I went for a brisk walk with one of my besties last week and we just dove into a deep conversation about feeling free. 

This is the most potent feeling for me. A feeling that I've been always grateful for. The fact that I - just - AM whole without any additional props, feeling confident and worthy without any labels to define my value, was one of the biggest milestones in my self-growth. This is what I work on with my private clients. This level of confidence to just BE. 

  • All the luxury, bags, shoes, and diamonds are beautiful fluff that most of us women desire.

The key is not to let these illusions define who you are. 

See, that’s the freedom of being I’m talking about. I don’t need your approval upon looking at what I have. I show you how I think and who I am underneath it all because that’s how I build it all. 

Luxury and fashion is very aligned with me since I was a little girl. Quality and refinement are my natural preferences. The...

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Your dream life is fear FREE 💕💋

worthy Apr 17, 2023

Fear will always cause you to clam up and hide from your big dreams. It’ll make you want to numb this reality to forget the pain, hurt, and feeling unworthy of what you want from life.

Numbing can look like wine each night, sugar addiction, binge eating, shopping - well, you name it, whatever feels better and brings comfort at the moment. 

But without feeling your shadow, your pain, your hurt - how can you heal and move on? 

You need to face your demons otherwise it’s like applying a superficial sparkly band-aid each time you hide. Reading something inspiring or doing affirmations can be that superficial something to temporarily feel better too. It’s not going to stick though, and this band-aid can be peeled off anytime. Sometimes it just falls off on its own. It’s fluff, a temporary relief. 

The real inner work goes deep into your subconscious coding and requires willingness and devotion of time to shift energies and rearrange your...

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Stop resistance 💕💋

stop resistance Apr 03, 2023

People often don’t realize that listening to soul sometimes looks like doing things you don’t feel like doing at the moment. 

Hello resistance - my "favorite" obstacle

Yes, it would be sweeter to only allow through convenient soul messages, such as - take a rest, eat a piece of chocolate, watch Netflix, buy yourself something luxurious and etcetera. 

But sometimes following soul and staying in alignment looks like writing a difficult email, letting someone go, holding a challenging conversation, or simply a workout that we know our body craves but our stubborn ego just ‘doesn’t want to.’ It feels like watching a little naughty child stomping their feet when a parent says no to another toy. 

This is often what’s blocking your pathway to what you want. Being in alignment is often portrayed as exclusively saying ‘yes’ to all the pleasure and hence the confusion. 

My personal hack and something I share with my private...

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