Unlock Your Authentic Self: Embrace Your True Worth and Break Free from 'Nice Girl' Conditioning

Unlock Your Authentic Self: Embrace Your True Worth and Break Free from 'Nice Girl' Conditioning

It’s in our ‘nice girl’ coding that we want to fit in and be liked by everyone. It gives us a false sense of worthiness and societal acceptance. That’s the subconscious program we’re running in our brains.

But when you are your authentic self, with your hopes, desires and dreams, when you allow yourself to be unapologetically YOU, the layers of pretense dissolve and it’s impossible to be plain and neutral any longer … it’s like being grey but knowing there’s a whole range of rainbow colors you could choose instead.

But you keep choosing grey … why? It feels much safer.

It’s not easy to break that pattern of not accepting yourself. It feels uncomfortable to try on new identity. Choosing the freedom to be your true self, your authentic expression, will for sure trigger some but simultaneously it will epically inspire...

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It's much easier to Criticize than to Praise 💕💋

stop resistance worthy Oct 03, 2023

When we are seen and appreciated, it makes us so fabulously happy, right?

  • It builds us and boosts courage to spread the wings and reach for our dreams.
  • It doesn’t cost a thing to be kind. It should be normal but it’s not common.

It’s not easy because we’re programmed to see negativity and in our yet undiscovered sense of unworthiness, our lens is focused on noticing same things in others.

But …

If there is a contrast in what you see while looking honestly at the situation despite the jealousy and judgment, is there something that inspires you?

Then take it as an invitation to expand and realize that if it’s possible for her, it’s possible for you. The only difference is the clarity on your dream and another itsy bitsy piece ….

You guessed what it is?

Freaking UNWAVERING self belief!!

Easier said than done?

Absolutely but how powerfully rewarding!

That’s what I do with my private clients, my program Worthy and all my writing -...

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Stop Diluting Your Message! Manifest your dreams 💕💋

stop resistance Sep 19, 2023

Stop Diluting Your Message. Your message is your truth! Manifest your dreams

It’s your heart, your soul, your unique beat. I used to do that being concerned about people who don’t get what I’m saying. Trying to ‘convert’ them and explain myself. Now I’m seeing things differently, more clearly and it opened up more channels for me. It liberated me in new ways, because there are always more layers to peel off. We do that throughout the entire life.

  • Again, there’s no perfection, only progress.
  • Today I know that my art is my art.
  • I’m proud of it.
  • I own it.

It’s not my job to make people understand me. You either do or you don’t and I’m fine with that.

It feels expansive and like I’m embarking on an advanced journey.

Last few days were so enlightening. So many new opportunities are coming my way…

And I’m ready for more revelations.

Ahh life is good when we dare to live with a heart open and in full...

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Stop resistance 💕💋

stop resistance Apr 03, 2023

People often don’t realize that listening to soul sometimes looks like doing things you don’t feel like doing at the moment. 

Hello resistance - my "favorite" obstacle

Yes, it would be sweeter to only allow through convenient soul messages, such as - take a rest, eat a piece of chocolate, watch Netflix, buy yourself something luxurious and etcetera. 

But sometimes following soul and staying in alignment looks like writing a difficult email, letting someone go, holding a challenging conversation, or simply a workout that we know our body craves but our stubborn ego just ‘doesn’t want to.’ It feels like watching a little naughty child stomping their feet when a parent says no to another toy. 

This is often what’s blocking your pathway to what you want. Being in alignment is often portrayed as exclusively saying ‘yes’ to all the pleasure and hence the confusion. 

My personal hack and something I share with my private...

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